How to Junk a Car in Austin
Call for a cash offer
how to sell a junk car
Ways to sell your car in Austin
When looking to get rid of your junk or simply unwanted car, there a few ways to go about it. One way is to call On the Road Salvage at 512-222-9901 for a cash offer and free tow. There are other ways to sell your car though and we have summarized some of the most popular ways on this page. Here, we’ll cover alternative options to junkyards which includes popular sites like Facebook, Craigslist and Nextdoor.

Facebook Marketplace
When looking for ways to sell a car you don’t want whether it is running or not, Facebook Marketplace is an option. Facebook allows its users to post items for sell that is visible to users searching the site and as a user of the social media network, you can share the fact that you’re selling the car as well. Though it’s rather easy to list a car for sale on Facebook, finding a willing buyer is not so easy. If your car is not running, you’re going to need to find a way to get the car to the person who wishes to buy it. You’re also going to need to endure the stream of potential buyers as they message you, call you and come by your home to look at the car.

Though Craigslist has fallen out of favor lately as a place for selling unwanted merchandise, it is certainly still an option for selling a junk car. Craigslist hasn’t changed in years. This is a good thing and a bad thing. The good part of this is, if you’ve used the site in the past, it works exactly the same way it always has. The bad part about this is, it’s often riddled with spam and the connections you make there are just as shady as ever. As with Facebook Marketplace, you’re going to have the same issues of meeting people and trying to get the car to them when selling on Craigslist.

The popular app Nextdoor is also an option for selling an unwanted vehicle. When thinking of Nextdoor, think of your community. Nextdoor is typically a place where neighbors share information about their neighborhood. It’s often also a way to hear about Homeowners Associations hassling people or people voicing various complaints. When we’re called about a junk car that someone needs to get rid of quickly, often times it’s due to the HOA telling a person they have to get rid of it or be fined. Nextdoor allows you to list items for sell, but appears to have a fairly narrow reach when it comes to individuals who will see your ad. This option is worth a try, but comes with the same drawbacks as our previously mentioned options.
The quickest solution is selling to a salvage yard
Call On the Road Salvage at 512-222-9901 now for a cash estimate to buy your junk car and a free tow to quickly come and pick it up from you. You can also use the button below to get an estimate online.